Pulse Jet-Bag House Filter (Air Pollution Control Equipments)

       Cleaning the air for the better Returns

Regular Hopper Entry:
The pulse jet bag filter in its most rudimentary form basically consists of the filtration elements housed in a casing. Below this casing is a hopper with a discharge valve, to continuously remove the dust that is collected on the bags. The entire unit is supported from the ground on structural legs. A caged ladder provides access to the top of the unit for maintenance. The dust laden air enters through the hopper by suction (normally) or (positive pressure). The heavier dust particles fall off at the entry itself, while the lighter dusts get carried upward to the bags.                                                     
The dust gets deposited on the outer surface of the bags and the clean air moves upward from the centre of the bags through the outlet plenum to the top air outlet. This is known as filtration. The dust collected on the outer surface of the bags is removed in a pre-determined cycle by a momentary pulse of high-pressure compressed air. The compressed air moves from an air reservoir or compressed air header via the particular pulse valve into the compartment manifold and thereon into the bags in the row beneath it. The pressurised entry of compressed air through the venturis into the bags, inflate the latter. and the dust cake formed on the bag surface slides down in the form of flakes. The cages help the bags retain their original shape once the effect of the compressed air is gone. This completes the cleaning process. The dust slides down the hopper walls to the rotary air lock valve. The latter is a rotating device which discharges the dust continuously, all the while maintaining an air seal.
Orient PCL range in above construction covers both completely standardized and pre-engineered Bag Filters - the AJ / AP series – up to a particular size with customized variations also available beyond this.

Flush Mounted- Insertable
Transfer points involving two conveyors or from one conveyor to / from other material handling equipment often involve isolated point(s) where free standing bag filter(s) can be an expensive proposition. Space availability on ground is also an issue at times. Typically, these insertable bag filters units are devoid of any hopper. The unit can be suitably positioned on the conveyor directly. On pulsing, dust falls back onto this conveyor, thus avoiding a need for a separate dust discharge hopper.
Depending on the height of fall of dust, two such insertable bag filters may be required – one at the end of the discharging conveyor and one on the receiving conveyor. When a single unit is used, it is normally on the receiving conveyor – as shown in the adjoining figure – this being where generation of dust is higher due to impact. These types of units are also optimal solutions for venting of bins / silos / hoppers.
The units in this construction are mostly standardized and pre-engineered, though customized variations can be offered where necessary.

Flush Mounted - Circular
The construction here is similar to an insertable bag filter; however, in this case, the casing of the bag filter is circular instead of being rectangular. The top cover could be a dished end – as in the adjoining figure – which is used for high positive design pressure or vacuum, as is typically a situation encountered for applications related to venting of silos / bins connected to pneumatic conveying systems.

Casing Entry
Here the dirty gas enters the casing – through the inlet cum- bypass damper in boiler bag filters (as in the sketch alongside) – and flows into a central chamber formed by perforated sheets. The gas flow towards the bags is partially through the perforations and partially upward from below of the sheets, ensuring better gas distribution and the separation of heavier dust respectively.
The lighter dust gets carried upward to the bags. This gets deposited on the outer surface of the bags and is removed by a pre-determined cycle by a momentary pulse of high
pressure compressed air as in the case of a typical hopper entry type of bag filter.
Orient PCL range in above construction is also completely standardized and pre-engineered - the AJC / APC series - upto a particular size.

Circular- Tangential Entry
The gas enters into the bag filter tangentially at the bottom of the casing. This gives the dust laden gas a circular motion which helps in removing the heavy & coarser particles that are present in the gas stream in a manner similar to a cyclonic collector. These collected particles are directly discharged into the hopper. It is only the very fine particles that get carried to and collected
on the bag surface. Thus, the total dust load on bags is reduced making it possible to maintain lower pressure drop across bags. This also permits the use of lesser frequency of bag pulsing, which in turn increases bag life.

Due to its circular construction, these bag filters can withstand more +/- pressure as compared to normal rectangular bag filters. The circular construction of bag filter also ensures leak proof ness. The possibility of dust accumulation inside casing (on edges etc.) is eliminated. Due to the arrangement of bag as shown in the image alongside, each and every bag is exposed to the dust laden gas. The swivelling arrangement shown enables the top cover to be pushed to on one side and lifting of the same. Due to special top cover and outlet plenum construction the entry of outside air is avoided.

Pre- Separator Extended Hopper
In the Pre-separator extended hopper type of unit, the dirty gas enters in the common inlet plenum formed as an aisle between the two filter modules resulting in pre-separation of the dust laden gases.
From there it flows to both the modules undergoing filtration as in a regular unit. The cleaned gases travel back to the common outlet plenum from the individual clean air plenums and then flow out through the outlet duct to the ID fan.

Pre- Separator Casing with Baffle-TKB Series
The phenomenal growth of the Cement Industry has seen the advent of plants of much bigger size. The conventional bag filters have been found to be inadequate to handle large gas flows in excess of 6,00,000 m3/hr. This is due to severe limitations on aspects like high gas flow per bag, high velocity of gases through bag filter, higher pressure drops across filters, high space requirement and high compressed air consumptions.
To overcome these limitations, Orient PCL has designed a new series of bag filters – the TKB series.
Some of the unique features incorporated in the TKB series are highlighted below.

A. Low pressure air cleaning system:
The TKB Pulse Jet Bag Filter (PJBF) long bag design incorporates a specialized low-pressure cleaning system that offers following distinct advantages over conventional bag filters with high pressure cleaning system:
1.     Lower pressure drop across the unit.
2.     Lower consumption of compressed air.
3.     Longer filter bag life.
4.     Lower noise levels during operation.
The low-pressure cleaning system uses a special immersion type header mounted pulse valve. This cleaning system is so effective that it achieves 25% more cleaning pressure on the bag. The impulse is built in half the time it takes conventional system.
·      Effectively flushes the bag & reduces re-deposition of fine dust.
·      Can clean bags up to 10 meters length.
·      Cleans the internal of the filter media to have lower longer-term pressure drops.
·      The filter media is not flexed as extensively as in the conventional cleaning, thereby increasing media life.

B. Unique gas flow path:
The TKB series filters are specially designed for high inlet dust loads. The gases enter the filter casing entry plenum behind a baffle and are directed upwards by this specially designed baffle. The 90 degrees turn that the gases take on entry helps in separating a lot of dust. This reduces the dust load on bags. The unique gas flow path makes the gases enter the filter with an upward bias on the velocity. This upward bias reduces impact of the dust particles on bag surface enhancing the life of the bags.

C. Wider Pitch of Bags
The bag pitch – the centre to centre distance between the bags – plays a very important role in the performance of the bag filter. In order to address the high gas flows and very high dust loads involved the TKB series filters has adopted an increased spacing between bags – as much as 36%. This additional clear space allows the high amount of dust load to fall by reducing gas velocity between bags. This also reduces the sliding friction at bags enhancing the life of the bags.

D. Specially reinforced cages:
The conventional cages cannot be used in bag filters as there is a tendency to bend due to the excessive length. Higher thickness wires are used for cages when the height of bag or cage is 6 m or more than that. This higher thickness ensures straightness of the cage as this actually ensures the spacing between bags which are freely suspended from the bag filter tube sheet. The above features of the Orient PCL TKB bag filters have made this the most popular design in the Indian Cement industry.

Bag/Cage/Venturi Arrangement
Cages are wire frames placed inside pulse jet filter elements to provide support to the fabric as flexing occurs during filtration and cleaning cycles. Configuration of a frame generally follows the shape of the filter elements, i.e., circular, oval, flat or starshaped.
Cages for long filter elements are made in sections which snap together for easier handling. Wear points on filter bags may develop at the horizontal supports. Cage designs to reduce these points increase the number of vertical wires and reduce the horizontal supports. Protective coatings on cages can extend the life of the cage and the bag. Coatings such as vinyl, epoxy, zinc, and Teflon® may be used.

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Email: info@orientpcl.com


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