Casting Of Flyash Bricks Using Construction Waste

            Brick Making is a business and has lot of scope for utilizing recycled materials. An effective utilization of Waste material as constituents of bricks
can aacolade towards LEED points and is treated as environmental friendly option. The main objective of the current study was maximum utilization of recycled fine aggregate in brick. 
            The mix designed for brick making consisted of the materials:-

  1. Cement (Lime & Gypsum) - (12%)

  2. Flyash                                 -  (30%)

  3. Stone Dust                          -  (58%)

  4. Recycled Fine Aggregate   - (Replace Stone Dust @ 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% )
    :- The brick made with 50% RFA shows a high performance in terms of compressive strength, water absorption and density of the brick and is with in the acceptable range of specification laid by IS2185. The cost analysis also suggests the brick to be less costly as compared to other Ratio bricks. Environmental benefits of using the brick should be mentioned specially which facilities less utlization of conventional material and thus can be used commercially.


  1. Is the RFA made of breakage and rejected bricks ??


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