Differentiate:- (Paints and Varnish)

Paints and Varnish

Paints: The paints are coatings of fluid materials and they are applied over the surfaces of timber and metals.

Following are the characteristics of an ideal paint:

  •  It should posses a good spreading power i.e. maximum area of the surface should be covered by minimum quantity of the paint.
  • The paint should be fairly cheap and economical.
  • The paint should be such that it can be easily and freely applied on the surface.
  • The paint should be such that it dries in reasonable time and not too rapidly.
  • The paint should be such that its colour is maintained for a long time.
  • The paint should form a hard and durable surface.
  • The paint should be ideal resistance to corrosion and protect the material over which it is used.
  • The paint should be possess maximum adhesion capacity to the material over which it is intended to be used.
  • Paint should be not allow moulds and algae to grow on it.
Varnish: The varnish are transparent or nearly transparent solution of resinous materials applied over painted surface. The term varnish is used to indicate the solution of resins or resinous substances prepared either in alcohol, oil or turpentine.

Following are the main objects of applying varnish on a wooden surface:
  • It brightens the appearance of the grain in wood.
  • It renders brilliancy to the painted surface.
  • It protects the painted surface from atmospheric actions.
  • It protects the unpainted wooden surfaces of doors, windows, roof trusses, etc., from the action of atmospheric agencies.


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