
Solenoid Valve

Solenoid Valve The pulse of compressed air is controlled by series of pulse solenoid valves that are placed on air reservoir. These in turn are connected to compartment manifold pipe, which open above the venturi of each bag in that row. The diaphragm of the pulse valve is closed as the compressed air is trapped between diaphragm and solenoid valve orifice. When the solenoid valve is energized through an input signal from the sequential controller, the trapped air flows from the top of the diaphragm through the orifice of the solenoid valve. The inflowing compressed air lifts up the diaphragm and flows through the outlet of the pulse valve. Again, when the solenoid valve is de-energized, the air gets trapped, closing the diaphragm as a result of pressure equalization. The next solenoid valve gets energized and the entire process is repeated sequentially in cycle.

Pulse Jet-Bag House Filter (Air Pollution Control Equipments)

ORIENT PCL        Cleaning the air for the better Returns Regular Hopper Entry: The pulse jet bag filter in its most rudimentary form basically consists of the filtration elements housed in a casing. Below this casing is a hopper with a discharge valve, to continuously remove the dust that is collected on the bags. The entire unit is supported from the ground on structural legs. A caged ladder provides access to the top of the unit for maintenance. The dust laden air enters through the hopper by suction (normally) or (positive pressure). The heavier dust particles fall off at the entry itself, while the lighter dusts get carried upward to the bags.                                                       The dust gets deposited on the outer surface of the bags and the clean air moves upward from the centre of the bags through the outlet plenum to the top air outlet. This is known as filtration. The dust collected on the outer surface of the bags is removed in a pre-determ

Methods of Plane Table Surveying

Methods Of Plane Table:  Methods of Plane tabling can be divided into four distinct heads: Radiation Intersection Traversing Resection The first two methods are generally employed for locating the details while the other two methods are used for locating the plane table stations. Radiation: In this method, a ray is drawn from the instrument station towards the point, the distance is measured between the instrument station and that point , and the point is located by plotting to some scale the distance so measured. Evidently, the method is more suitable when the distances are small (with a tape length) and one single instrument can control the points to be detailed. The method has a wider scope if the distances are obtained tacheometrically with the help of telescopic alidade. Intersection (Graphical Intersection): Intersection is resorted to when the distance between the point instrument station is either too large or cannot be measured accurately due to some fi


What is contour? explain contour interval, necessity of contour plotting?? Contour:- A contour is an imaginary line on the ground joining the points of equal elevation. It is a line in which the surface of ground is intersected by the level surface. a contour line is a line on the map representing a contour.

Important points For Cement Clinker

An increase in lime content behind a certain values make it difficult to combine with other compounds and free lime will exits in the clinker which causes unsoundness in cement. An increase in silica content at the expense of Alumina and ferric oxide will make the cement

Bouge’s Equation

Bouge’s Equation :- The Bouge calculation is used to calculate the approximate properties of the four main minerals in Portland cement clinker.